You Are More Than What You Believe

Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash

Something changes when your perspective of yourself actually aligns with how God sees you. 

God has been challenging me with seeing myself as He sees me. In fact, the other afternoon He was clearly speaking to me about this. I was surprised to hear Him so vividly.

I felt a strong impression of what He wanted to communicate to me in my soul. It was definitely otherworldly and His presence was almost tangible. 

This interaction between Him and myself began when I was reminding myself that I am His child over and over again. I wanted my subconscious to get it! I wanted this truth to feel so real, so natural and to become second nature.

And that’s when I began to hear God speak to me about myself. 

He was responding to my choice and faith to believe who He says I am in His Word about me. I was not asking Him to show me this or to speak into this, He just simply responded to my hearts cry to know my true nature in Him.

He then told me that my personal vision and desires of accomplishment fell extremely short to what He desires for me. 

All I saw was a desire to make an impact with my online ministry, to be able to reach more hearts with His truth. I want to be successful with this, but whatever that looks like I have no real gauge for. 

God then showed me that the work I put my hands and mind to everyday was not the work He sees me doing. My work, albeit it being ministry, is just a shadow of what He sees me capable of doing. 

God then pulled me out of my tunnel vision to a broader perspective of my how He uses me. He said I was more than just what I did for Him, I was a representer of His glory here on this earth. I am a vessel that He uses to do His plans and purposes, and His Kingdom flows through me wherever I go. 

What I put online, even these words you are reading, are an overflow of what is being poured into me daily. And the same goes for you.

You are more than your job title, more than what you bring to this world. You are more than your role within your family and more than a stranger on the street. You are more than what the world might have labeled you as or perceives you to be. There is so much more to you that the eye cannot physically see.

You are a son of God, a dwelling place of His Spirit. Where your feet take you, there also will God’s presence be. You bring His light into this dark world. And where you go, Jesus goes too.

May the Lord open our understanding to this truth and reality. We are more than what we see in the natural, we have the supernatural within our souls and because of this we are capable of all the Lord leads us to do for Him.

See yourself as a presence that lights up the very spaces you walk into, that drips Heaven’s reality when you pass by. 

See your presence change the hearts around you, as the Lord inhabits your heart and goes before you and behind you.

See how you bring Heaven to earth just by being His. See yourself as God sees you.

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