Often times the Lord is trying to get our attention, but we have allowed distractions, which dangerously have the potential to become idols to us, if not already, to keep us from hearing His voice.
For us to hear the voice of God, we must learn it and be able to recognize it. Jesus says, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” John 10:27
Listening to His voice every single day is an activity, that over time, years even, will sharpen your discernment to recognize Him when He speaks to you. If you, however, are not familiar with His voice, then when other voices come at you it will be difficult for you to quickly shut them off and you can be easily deceived.
Knowing His voice in this season is so extremely important, because the enemy is working hard tickling the ears of men. Many are waking up to this tickling and growing a healthy distaste for it, but be wise and practice hearing God’s voice so other things out there parading themselves as truth does not get the attention it craves from you.
Knowing God’s voice will be your protection, and practicing daily listening to His voice will build a confidence in you to trust when He is speaking to you. God is calling us to know His voice.