I had a dream over a month ago.
In this dream I was circling around a mountain. I came to this well known part in my path and found that I could no longer pass through as I had before multiple times. It was a familiar path to me and so I was surprised to discover that I had actually grown bigger and no longer was able to fit through this particular part.
I had apparently outgrown this path!
I then was led to begin climbing up the side of this mountain instead. I instinctively knew that new paths were ahead of me to learn how to walk and conquer.
Since having this dream, I can testify that the lessons I am currently being faced with in life are all very new for me.
Now that I am finding healing more and more as a result of my therapy sessions, my mind is no longer stuck playing a broken record with parts of my past. And because of that I find myself more free, but also more free to think about other things and issues I’ve not been afforded to before.
I then had another dream where the Lord warned me about these snakes.
With new paths to venture down comes new assignments from the Lord and new obstacles to learn from as well. And these snakes that the Lord was warning me about were the obstacles I am needing to overcome. No doubt these “snakes”, representing the deceit and tricks of the enemy in my dream, are something that I need to learn to overcome.
In the book of Revelation we are encouraged to be overcomers, overcoming the snares and traps of the enemy and this world. As you step out in faith and obedience to new assignments, doing things that stretch and challenge you, there will be new enemies you have yet to come across and new obstacles to overcome.
And instead of getting overwhelmed and asking the Lord endless times of why these new struggles have arrived, it is a better use of our time to begin to recognize how these struggles perhaps come with the new territory God is leading us to take and overcome.
As I have come against these so called “snakes”, caught surprised by these difficulties, I have been made aware of my need for growth in new areas of my life. These “snakes” have surfaced more issues within my heart that I need to tackle.
But that is what growth is about!
It is discovering something about yourself that needs to change and be sanctified in Him. And if we did not have these difficulties that we get faced with, we would not discover our need for growth.
The enemy tries really hard to trip us up, but God uses it to strengthen and grow us up instead making us all the wiser. Choose to become overcomers and do not let these new difficulties bring you to despair, but instead relish in your opportunity for growth.