My Story

What gets me out of bed in the mornings is the joy of being able to inspire through sharing what I have learned. I love creating content for others that need someone to motivate and minister to them along either their healing journey with mental health or their growth spiritually and personally. I truly love to help others discover a renewed hope and vision for their lives.

My husband, Josh, and I used to live in both East Asia and Southeast Asia. We were in pursuit of our own dreams to live abroad, to one day start our own business, and to travel abundantly while making an impact with lives. That dream was interrupted by some health challenges that developed in me while overseas.

My health challenges and the stress of our jobs at the time led me to terrible burnout. I almost had a nervous breakdown while in East Asia and soon after was diagnosed with severe depression. 

I struggled with depression, anxiety and PTSD from our time in East Asia. A short stint living in Southeast Asia definitely surfaced that PTSD that was well hidden.

We returned back to the States from Southeast Asia in order for me to continue to navigate more healing from the traumas I had experienced. And I have received that healing.

I have researched a ton on mental health, specifically the brain, because I wanted to understand what caused my brain to, in my words, "malfunction", when I burned out.

I also have purposely leaned into the Lord weathering these storms and have gained insight with what the Bible teaches concerning these issues with mental health and the spiritual pieces that play a huge part in recovery.

I am not the same person I was before I had my burnout experience. I am different. I cannot work as hard and often as I could before. I need multiple days of rest during busy seasons. I have a new normal for myself, and yet, I still want to live my life fully and with great impact. Mental health and overcoming trauma is a part of my story.

I want you, despite your personal issues and struggles that could cause yourself major setbacks, to learn how to move forward anyways, because it is possible.

I want the challenges you have in your life to become not a shut door in your face, but your springboard into your bright future. I have a lot of excitement for you and myself as we together look towards the days when we can testify how we overcame our obstacles to achieve our God given dreams. And helping you in your journey towards being who God has made you to be is one of my dreams.